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2022 Conference Videos

* Indicates an online presentation


9:00 am

Debbie Hopkins*

Transport and the climate crisis


9:25 am

Becky Kiddle

Incorporating Māori values into urban planning decisions


9:50 am

Hon Michael Wood

Minister's address


1:10 pm

Rhys Jones*

Transport accessibility and equity of Māori

Session 1

11:00 am

Bridget Doran

Disabled people's experiences of transport in Aotearoa New Zealand

Session 1

11:20 am

Emily Ward

Nuisance for whom? The travel impact of surface flooding for disabled and older people

Session 1

11:40 am

Sian Thompson

Thinking outside the carpark: addressing access, wellbeing and forced car ownership in public housing

Session 1

12:00 pm

Eilya Torshizian

Incorporating equity in the cost–benefit appraisal framework

Session 2

11:00 am

Carol Christie

Knowing New Zealanders: To deliver a step change in regional walking and cycling

Session 2

11:20 am

Sarah Colhoun

An improved transport system that enables kaumātua Māori to transition into healthier older age: NZPATHS

Session 2

11:40 am

Jacob Halliburton

The worst day on the water – How understanding and analysing fatal accidents can save lives

Session 2

12:00 pm

Hamish Mackie

Te Ara Mua Future Streets. Analysis of crashes five years following intervention

Session 3

11:00 am

Jared Humm & Grace Michael

A generational investment case study: Optimal approaches to VKT reduction

Session 3

11:20 am

Edgar Pacheco

A narrative review of interventions to reducing vehicle kilometers traveled

Session 3

11:40 am

Mark Kinvig & Shane Thompstone

Shifting the gears' on sustainability with Waka Kotahi and NZUP

Session 3

12:00 pm

Vanessa Brum-Bastos

How spatial data science can support the shift towards lower emission transportation systems in Aotearoa

Session 4

11:00 am

Chris Parker

Economics of urban infrastructure

Session 4

11:20 am

Biddy Livesey

Understanding progress towards long–term goals for the housing and urban development system

Session 4

11:40 am

Kiri Crossland

Integrating land use and transport planning in Aotearoa

Session 4

12:00 pm

Anne Cunningham

Urban Safety: How do we design to account for the safety concerns that deter mode shift?

Session 5

1:40 pm

Jennifer McSaveney

How well do we know our travel? Then and now, here and there

Session 5

2:00 pm

Koen Faber

The relative importance of life experiences, built environment characteristics and socialisation in active travel behaviour

Session 5

2:20 pm

Sandra Mandic

School choice and school travel: Implications for transport, health, environment and education

Session 5

2:40 pm

Vivienne Ivory

Developing buy–in to the transformation of our transport system?

Session 6

1:40 pm

Danielle Bassan

Gender equality and the role of women in decarbonising transport

Session 6

2:00 pm

Caroline Shaw

Socioeconomic inequalities in greenhouse gas emissions from household travel in Aotearoa New Zealand

Session 6

2:20 pm

Kirsty Wild*

Just (and healthy) transitions in transport: Strategies for promoting wellbeing and equity as we decarbonise

Session 6

2:40 pm

Marie McCarthy

Understanding barriers to using public transport: Māori interactions with the transport sector

Session 7

1:40 pm

Ian Wallis

Domestic transport costs & charges study: Economic and financial overview and findings

Session 7

2:00 pm

Michael Smith

DTCC: Health effects from road-traffic noise

Session 7

2:20 pm

David Lupton

Domestic transport costs & charges study: Marginal costs of transport infrastructure and services

Session 7

2:40 pm

Glen Koorey

Implications from the study of road transport accident costs

Session 8


Carol Christie

Knowing New Zealanders: Impact of half-price public transport fares

Session 8

2:20 pm

Jade Mackay

Project Monty: Te Manatü Waka's agent-based modelling initiative

Session 8

2:40 pm

Craig Richards

Understanding emission and VKT pathways to avoid, shift and improve in Tauranga

Session 9

3:30 pm

Geoffrey Haines & Anna Nord

Transitioning streets for tomorrow… today

Session 9

3:50 pm

Doug Wilson

Accelerating emission reductions by removing the need to plug in – Wireless (inductive) charging of electric vehicles

Session 9

4:10 pm

Ian Binnie

Identifying commuter patterns from the IDI

Session 10

3:50 pm

Shrividya Ravi & Shuqi Thng

Understanding maritime connectivity for transport policy

Session 10

4:10 pm

Patricio Gallardo*

Carbon footprint of freight movements within New Zealand

Session 11

3:30 pm

Simon Kingham

Greening the streets: Assessing the co-impacts of a low emissions transport policy

Session 11

3:50 pm

Robert McLachlan

Managing New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions from aviation

Session 11

4:10 pm

Jayne Metcalfe

Air pollution health impacts of achieving transport sector emission reduction plan targets

Session 12

3:30 pm

Roselle Thoreau

Crash risk associated with progression through the graduated driver licence system

Session 12

3:50 pm

Steven Hayman

Detecting work time breaches from camera sightings

Session 12

4:10 pm

Amanda Dudding

Prevalence of drugged and/or medicated driving in New Zealand

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